
Urban Farming

So I'm not really an "Urban Farmer" but I try to do my best. For me, the idea of self sufficiency is a dream. Growing up we lived by the beach the soil was very sandy and not good for growing much (besides cactus). Despite the unfortunate soil situation we always had something growing, usually tomatoes and snow peas, with the occasional potatoes, and some random squash that might come sprouting out of the compost pile, one year I even tried some spinach! 

But now on the eighth floor, no yard and 8-9 month of winter every year, growing things often seems even more difficult. So, you will understand why I was so pleased to find my small container of garlic bulbs sprouting up so happily. I discovered this past summer that garlic bulbs need the cold weather and thus have to be planted in the fall. This year I hope to grow many other things providing us with some healthy delicious fresh picked things to eat!

Some of my favorite gardening inspirations are The Edible Garden with Alys Fowler and Monty Dons Fork to Fork 

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