While we were there we did a lot of talking about our family history, visited some interesting places and a couple of cemeteries. She is the family member who has all the pictures, knows all the names and remembers all the stories.
The vacant building to the right use to be a hardware store that was owned by my great great uncle Howard Jones, the sign is long gone, but the building still stand on the Main Street in Fly Creek, NY. Below are the grave stones of what we are pretty sure are 3 generations of Jones family, the one in the middle though probable isn't definite as the writing has faded from the stones.
This past year or two of genealogical research has turned up so many interesting things and though there are still a lot of shady branches that need further researching the Jones family line at least has been traced back as far as can be traced. Which for the record is about 1640, but I think that all is a post for a different day.
Wish we had more time to explore and listen to her stories.