Now I'm not saying there is anything wrong with having a job, or wanting a job or even enjoying a job ... But to treat those who enjoy being "stay at home wives & mothers" as though they are letting themselves and "all their sisters" down by being somehow less then they can be is ludicrous! I would go so far as to say the feminist movement is probably one of the least feminine things that has ever happened to women! Yes we can do most anything men can do (we are after all human beings), equal in rights and abilities, but to say we are "the same" it just isn't true, and believing that is really letting yourself down. We are different, just as every individual is different from another (thus the term "individual") we are meant to be different and it's a good thing, we shouldn't be afraid of it. And I think more and more woman are beginning to think this way.
Perhaps society is slowly returning to a more natural way of thinking about life. Life has gotten so big and so complicated, but it really doesn't have to be and I don't know about you but I'm ready to make my life more simple, more relaxed, filled with family, love and hard work.
Just this morning I got out a notebook from Guins baby shower, in it was written tips and motherly advice from those who have gone before me in this adventure. All of it was good, but the note from my sister in laws mother was particularly touching. Unfortunately it was also quite long so I'll just give you a synopsis.
"Keeping priorities strait seems simple enough. #1 My relationship with God #2 My relationship with my husband and #3 My relationship with my Children. But when life gets hectic it's easy for these relationships to get out of order. It's easy for our children to slip into first because their needs are so ever present and occasionally overwhelming, they become in a seance 'little gods' and that is not good. Even if we manage to keep God as #1 it is easy for our husbands to slide into 3rd place. As believers our spouse should never want to be first but they always need to be second. Having second place in our heart helps them maintain their own position as head of the family, allowing them to do their job the way it needs to be done. Also the security this order gives to children is fundamental, knowing and being able to see the priority that God and their daddy have in your life, builds security and respect in their hearts. When you have young children they consume much of your time. Thankfully the intensity of relationship is not based on time but intentionality and purposefulness. Keeping time to focus on the Lord even if only for 5 minutes a day is crucial and always keeping a strict bed time for the children not only assures that they get enough sleep but also that there is time for you and your spouse to spend time together as adults."
That's a simplified and shortened version but it is something I think I should try to read monthly to remind myself. It put me in mind of a book I read (most of) called The Creative Counterpart, she also talked about keeping that set of priorities. My goal for the rest of this year is to work on keeping my priorities straight and my life simplified.
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